Gli uffici e il magazzino di Crea3D rimarranno chiusi dal 10 al 25 Agosto 2024. Gli ordini effettuati in queste date verranno elaborati a partire dal 26 Agosto 2024.



Ultimaker Enterprise Software

Make digital transformation happen


Ultimaker software empowers your teams to scale 3D printing innovation across your organization, with a subscription plan for every need.



Ultimaker Enterprise


One platform. Limitless possibilities

Enterprise 3D printing software features


Ultimaker Cura

The world's most tested slicing software

Ultimaker Cloud

Easy remote 3D printing & device management


Analytics compatible with BI tools

24h support

Up to 24-hour support on business days


Watch the video


Digital Library


Grow and share 3D printing success


Digital Library


Create a team that can store and share designs to build a Digital Library of parts. Your organization can then multiply the number of successful 3D printing applications and easily calculate their increasing value to your business.




Increase team productivity


Seamless cloud-to-app switching


A connected workflow helps everyone work more efficiently. Save time by opening print files stored in your Digital Library from Ultimaker Cura Enterprise. Centrally manage remote printers. Plus, import native CAD files directly and skip STL conversion (coming soon).




Ultimaker Academy


Learn to innovate together


Online 3D printing courses


Access to the full Ultimaker 3D Printing Academy teaches your co-workers to collaborate and achieve more with 3D printing. With e-learning courses designed for multiple roles and skill levels, you can upskill your team from novices to 3D printing experts.




Data-driven decision making


Reporting and analytics


Reduce costs, meet goals, and react quickly to changes – all backed by the data that proves it, with templates for BI tooling, information regarding business value of tools and parts within the Digital Library, so you receive full reporting oversight of your entire 3D printing operation.







A tailored software solution


Custom services and integration


Enjoy full flexibility through an open platform with API access, federated single sign-on (SSO), and dedicated expert hours for specific roles – ensuring you get the support you need, when you need it.



Choose the software plan to suit you

From start-up to global enterprise


Ultimaker Essentials

Ultimaker Essentials

3D printing at work? Start here

  • ✓ Ultimaker Cura Enterprise
  • ✓ Security-assessed software
  • ✓ User access management
  • ✓ Associate level e-learning



Ultimaker Professional

Ultimaker Professional

Elevate your 3D printing operations

  • ← Everything in Essentials, plus:
  • ✓ Unlimited storage in Digital Library
  • ✓ Open CAD files in Ultimaker Cura
  • ✓ In-depth reporting
  • ✓ Professional level e-learning



From €500, €1,500 or €5,000 (excl. tax)
Billed annually based on printers / users

Ultimaker Excellence

Ultimaker Excellence

Speed up digital transformation

  • ← Everything in Professional, plus:
  • ✓ Expert consultancy hours
  • ✓ SSO and full API access
  • ✓ Fastest support response times
  • ✓ Expert level e-learning




Compare Features


What's included?

All the software and services you need


Ultimaker Digital Factory

Ultimaker Digital Factory

Set up multiple printers based on your workflow. See an overview of printers, material configurations, print jobs, and firmware versions for easy printer management.


Ultimaker Cura Enterprise

Ultimaker Cura Enterprise

The simplest and most seamless print preparation experience is now packaged for business. Designed to meet your IT department's expectations.


Ultimaker Marketplace

Ultimaker Marketplace

Download plugins and material profiles to improve their 3D printing workflow. But only verified plugins are available – to increase infrastructure stability and security.



Ultimaker 3D Printing Academy

Ultimaker 3D Printing Academy

Role-specific e-learning courses to help you build a team of 3D printing experts to maximize the technology's value.


Ultimaker support

Ultimaker support

If you need assistance, simply log a ticket with our helpdesk. Get help via email from an Ultimaker technician whenever you need to troubleshoot software-related issues.


Ultimaker expert hours

Ultimaker expert hours

Upgrade to Ultimaker Excellence to gain exclusive consultancy from Ultimaker's Application Engineers, IT and API architects, and data engineering experts.



Compare software plans and features



Ultimaker Essentials


Ultimaker Professional


Ultimaker Excellence

Ultimaker Cura Enterprise
Open and save to the Digital Library
Long-term support (LTS)
Enterprise security
Open native CAD files (coming soon)
Ultimaker Digital Factory
User access management
Organizational sharing only
Remote printer management
Printer sharing
Digital Library 5 private projects Unlimited Unlimited
Digital Library Storage 20 files per projects Unlimited Unlimited
Print from Digital Library
Share projects with organization 5 shared projects Unlimited Unlimited
Share projects with team
Reporting per printer
Reporting on projects
Full fleet reporting
API access (OAuth2 keys)
Federated SSO
Ultimaker Marketplace
Print profiles for 200+ materials
More secure, verified plugins
Ultimaker 3D Printing Academy
Number of users Unlimited Depending on tier Depending on tier
Associate e-learning courses
Professional e-learning courses
Expert e-learning courses
Ultimaker support
Working time 8 hours, Mon-Fri 8 hours, Mon-Fri 24 hours, Mon-Fri
Response time 24 hours 12 hours 6 hours
Expert hours 25 hours
Ultimaker expert hours
Application engineering support
IT and API engineering support
Data engineering support





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