Gli uffici e il magazzino di Crea3D rimarranno chiusi dal 10 al 25 Agosto 2024. Gli ordini effettuati in queste date verranno elaborati a partire dal 26 Agosto 2024.

Solutions for metal 3D printing with filament technology

Metal Fused Filament Fabrication is - to date - the simplest, and above all accessible technology to produce real metal parts.
Its purpose is to create Full Metal functional parts, on which it is possible to carry out all surface finishing treatments, heat treatments and any post-processing for chip removal, such as grinding.


1. 3D Printing

3D print your projects with a Metal Ready printer and BASF Ultrafuse filaments

2. Post-processing

Send your printed parts to our service FastParts, for Dibinding&Sintering processes

3. Steel parts

Get your finished stainless steel parts



Metal FFF Library

Download our collection of 3D printed steel parts

A selection of 15 applications including:

  • fan mount
  • pipe welding tool
  • engine mount
  • lever
  • catalysts
  • ...etc.




Ultimaker solutions


BCN3D solutions


Raise3D solutions


Materials and accessories