Gli uffici e il magazzino di Crea3D rimarranno chiusi dal 10 al 25 Agosto 2024. Gli ordini effettuati in queste date verranno elaborati a partire dal 26 Agosto 2024.

Crea3D doubles: Champions of Growth again!

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Crea3D doubles: Champions of Growth again!

It happened again. After the 2023 recognition, Crea3D is for the second year in a row Campione della Crescita 2024 (Growth Champion) according to Istituto Tedesco Qualità ITQF and La Repubblica A&F, reaching  position 478  in the national ranking, and number 27 among Apulian companies, with an average rate annual growth of 22.33%.

We are proud to have obtained this recognition again, which every year rewards Italian companies which, thanks to their creativity and competitiveness, contribute to "giving new impulses to the economy and society". As often happens, it is above all small and medium-sized businesses that show great dynamism, thanks to their agility, flexibility and ability to innovate.

The list of the 800 Growth Champions of Growth 2024 ( out of 50,000 selected companies ) was drawn up based on the average annual growth in turnover in the three-year period 2019-2022. Being in this ranking for two consecutive years is not that simple!

The path that took Crea3D from a startup to a consolidated company was unstoppable, but not without difficulties.
Now is the time to reorganize to aim for the highest quality of the services offered.

We are working on expanding the team and services, as well as a new physical headquarters in 2024 which will allow us to concentrate energy to continue bringing innovation in the field of Additive Manufacturing and Industry 5.0.

Among metaverse, Artificial Intelligence, robotics and future technologies, with the same concreteness as always.

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