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Crea3D is among the Stars of the South 2024!

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Crea3D is among the Stars of the South 2024!

20 March 2024: Crea3D is among the Stelle del Sud 2024 (Stars of the South 2024), the ranking of the 200 Italian companies based in Southern Italy that have achieved the best performance regarding the growth of their turnover, the number of their employees and their tangible and intangible assets in the three-year period between 2019 and 2022. The survey was carried out for the first year in collaboration between Il Sole 24 Ore and Statista, a leading market research company.

Position 98 in the general ranking, 23rd place among Apulian companies, and position 4 in the Machinery and Equipment category.

This recognition adds to the others obtained in the last 18 months: 

  1. Campione della Crescita 2023 (Growth Champions 2023)
  2. Leader della Crescita 2023 (Growth Leaders 2023)
  3. Campione della Crescita 2024  (Growth Champions 2024)

The experts and creators of this ranking declare: "This ranking is not limited to evaluating the financial results of companies, but also focuses on their ability to create innovation and workforce in the South of the country. We want to celebrate companies that, in addition to achieve economic success, have had a significant impact on the area, creating opportunities and contributing to the socio-economic development of the region".

Last time we announced a major reorganization of Crea3D, necessary to aim for the highest quality of the services offered.

And this is what is happening in recent weeks: new hires already in the first quarter of 2024, strengthening of the consultancy services and product portfolio, and new physical headquarters by the end of the year which will allow us to concentrate our energies to continue to bring innovation to all highly specialized sectors of the Italian manufacturing base.

Bartolo Paparella, CEO of Crea3D: "We are proud to carry forward this vision from Ruvo di Puglia, demonstrating that it is possible to become a market leader even starting from a small company in Southern Italy. Our 2024-2030 agenda is full of new technological challenges which we can't wait to tackle."

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